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10 April 2022

Locust Swarms 05

By Ashton de Kock

Areas of the Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, and the Western Cape have been riddled with locust swarms for the past month. While one might be aware of the devastating impact locusts have on vegetation, often their impact to your motor vehicle is overlooked. Vehicles regulate engine heat through the radiator, commonly found at the front of the vehicle, just behind the grille. The radiator relies on air circulation to dissipate the engine heat. Driving through a swarm of locusts could result in a buildup of dead locusts on the radiator, reducing its ability to cool the engine. This might lead to engine failure in extreme cases. If you find yourself unable to avoid driving through a swarm, please take note of these handy hints as suggested by Agriculture Victoria:
  • Slow down or stop if visibility reduces — gradually reduce your speed and if safe, continue driving or stop where it is safe to do so.
  • If deciding to stop, turn off your engine — to avoid overheating.
  • Monitor temperature gauge on your dashboard — dead locusts can reduce air flow to an engine and cause overheating.
  • Turn on your headlights — to alert oncoming traffic of your presence.
  • Be aware that traffic coming from the opposite direction will also have reduced visibility, so remain alert.
  • Remain in your car until the swarm subsides.
  • Use your windscreen wipers to clear locusts from your windscreen — well-fed locusts leave a residue of body parts and fat at the point of impact.
  • When visibility improves, apply water and insect cleaning agent and use cloths or rags to remove locust residue from windscreen, wipers headlights and radiator air-inlet.
Follow this link to their website for the full post:


Please be vigilant on the road and exercise caution!